A meta-analysis investigating the effects of various factors affecting the estimation and precision of different genetic parameters derived from genomic prediction models in forest tree species has just been published in the journal Tree Genetics and Genomes. Publication accessible here.
Category: news
First Annual Meeting of the FastTRACII project in Sussex, New Brunswick, November 2023
Participants to the first Annual Meeting: from left to right: Shona Millican (NRED), Funda Ogut (CCFB/CWFC), Martin Perron (MRNF), Edouard Desaulniers (ULaval), Jean-Philippe Laverdière (CCFB/CWFC), André Soro (ULaval), Jesse Milani (Lakehead Univ.), Iain Thompson (JD Irving), Francois Van Deventer (AtlanTIC), Patrick Lenz (CCFB/CWFC), Simon Nadeau (CCFB/CWFC), and on the screen, first row: Myriam Labrecque (ULaval), Nathalie Isabel (NRCan), Jean Beaulieu (ULaval), Ashley Thomson (Lakehead Univ.), and second row: Sébastien Gérardi (ULaval), Jean Bousquet (ULaval), Mathieu Beauchemin (GQ) and Simon Bockstette (NS DNRR).
FastTRAC II launching informative project videos on March 21st, International Day of Forests
Launching of the FastTRAC II project
The FastTRAC II large-scale partnership projet in genomic prediction and selection has just been launched in Summer 2022, with support from Genome Canada and Genome Quebec. Welcome to our website !
FastTRAC rewarded with the Impact Prize for excellence in science from Natural Resources Canada
In December 2020, at a ceremony held in Ottawa, the team of the FastTRAC spruce genomics technology transfer project was rewarded with the Impact Prize for excellence in science from Natural Resources Canada.